Saturday, July 6, 2013

Goals-For Life and for the Blog

One of the reasons that I am starting to blog is keep myself accountable.  That is only possible if I tell everyone my goals.

Goals for Life

Better Health

There are multiple parts to this goal.  A big one is losing weight.  While in college I did gain weight.  I can't tell you exactly how much because I don't know.  And then for about a year and a half after college I was working two jobs.  I often ended up eating fast food while I ran from one job to the other.  I am 5'7 and currently weight about 260lbs.

About a year ago I managed to get motivated enough and went to the gym on a regular basis and dropped about 15-20lbs.  But then I stopped.  I know I am a stress eater and a big project at work had me working late hours and I stated eating bad again.

In order to lose weight I know that I need to start working out again.  I just moved and have already worked out some walking loops in my new neighborhood.

I also need to start eating healthy.  I am currently participating in a CSA to help me have regular access to fruits and veggies.

Well Read/Watched

I enjoy reading and watching movies and TV shows.  I am working on completing several lists on lists of

Knitting projects

The goals are to make at least 1 project a month from the yarn that I inherited from my Grandmother last year.  There is a lot of it and I figure one project a month will be necessary for me to use it up.  I also want to spin at least 4oz of fiber each month.

Goals for the Blog
*Weekly blog post which contains the following:
  - Meal plan for the week
  - Number/amount of workouts each week

*Monthly post with all knitting projects completed in the month
*Monthly post reviewing Books read and Movies watched.

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