Saturday, July 13, 2013

Weekly Update

Current Weight:
Miles walked this week: 2 miles

Produce in my CSA
  • Cucumber
  • Snow peas
  • Lettuce
  • Squash - zucchini, patty pan, and summer squash
  • Blueberries
  • White peaches
  • Apricots
  • Plums
  • Beets
Meals I plan to make:
  • Greek chicken pitas - I made Tzatziki with my cucumbers last week.  I think I will probably make pitas with some grilled chicken, lettuce, red onion, cucumber, feta cheese and the tzatziki.
  • Asian Stir-Fry.  with some of the peaks from last week, the broccoli, the zucchini, probably some sort of protein.
  • Maybe a frittata or quiche to use up more of the squash.
  • Pickled beets - I have tried roasted beets in the past and I fee that just taste like dirt.  The first beets we got from the farm I made into a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting.  it turned out to be pretty tasty.  But I can't just keep making cakes.  Reading some reviews for pickled beets, some people say that it takes away the dirt taste.  I have the beets already from the farm so I figure it is worth a try.  But what do you use pickled beets for?
  • I think some of the fruit might make it into a crumble or a crisp or a cobbler.
Other goals
  • I did drink a few sips out of can of Coca-Cola yesterday. But since it was only a few sips I may still reward myself on Sunday.

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