Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Begginning

Once again I am going to try to start a blog.  I am going to blog about my life, in all of its weird quirks.

Now for a little bit about me.  I grew up all over the country as the daughter of a military man. My parents still reside in North Carolina where my dad was last stationed.   I ended up in college in Erie, Pennsylvania and then followed a job to Virginia.

I work as a chemist, hence the nerd aspect.  Not to mention the fact that I like sci-fi and fantasy movies and books.

Now these are not the only movies and books that I enjoy.  I have recently started watching more classic movies, for example, The Godfather, Casablanca, Psycho.  It began when I discovered this website.  I became slightly obsessed and there are not over 1700 lists that I have added to my lists that I am following.  The majority of the lists are movies, TV show episodes, and books  This website has helped me discover movies and books I had never even heard of.

I really enjoy cooking and baking.  Probably because I love food.  One of the things I love about baking is when it actually works.  When the dough rises because of the yeast.  It always makes me laugh a little.

I am also a knitter.  Well I say knitter because that is what I learned first.  But I began spinning my own yarn about 2 years ago.  and in the 6 months or so I have started to crochet as well.  I learned to knit back in 5th grade but didn't keep up with it.  I started knitting again back in 2005 when I went to California to visit family.  My aunt knits so when I was there I started again.  Since moving to VA I have met up with a group of other crafters who have kept me motivated and inspired me to try new things.

So yeah.  The housewife who knits and bakes cookies and has dinner on the table as well as the nerd who can spout of certain chemical formulas, love doctor who, and is slowly becoming a treky all in one person.\

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